Thursday, September 6, 2007

2nd Camping: Sg Sendat with families

I rang the bell in my office, announcing the excitement of our trip to Sg Sendat. Then, we organized a family trip with some of my colleagues. We departed from Giant Batu Caves at about 1500hrs and arrived there at about 1.5 hours later. We stayed over night with our family members.

Our kids were so excited and enjoyed.... even some didn't want to get home - over excited. Since i was the organizer, i didn't have enough time to snap photos and some of us were to busy to look after our kids.. Photos available here were taken with handphones, i apologize for the low quality of the photos.

Anyway, here we were...

<--- Arrival of the VIPs. No red carpet prepared, but park their cars on the side.

Our camping site,
'ruang tamu & makan'.

<--- Beberapa khemah

Sedang mengemas barang
dapur, jam 5 ptg.

Aku le nie..
nak prepare makan malam.

Sekali kena buat jamban

<--- Sekali nyanyi lagu2 piring hitam dan langam, takpe... layaaaaannnn

Langkawi Inter'l Dialog

<--- Pasangan sejoli baru tiba... jam 1045 mlm. Sesat....

Pagi esok harinya,
Sedang tunggu breakfast..

<--- Apa lah punya lambat.. Perut lapar, tak sabar nak mandi sungai nieeeee.....

Tahan sejuk betul
dia worang nie...

<--- Macam sekawan memerang di musim mengawan..

Tengah bersiap nak balik

We were really enjoy despite have to look after our kids (i don't have any, YET). This camping was a success and we plan to organize another trip to Jeram Toi or Lata Kinjang this December.

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